Sunday, April 5, 2009


Many people write me and want me to write the Hilleman Happenings again as I did when I first moved back from Minnesota. I miss doing it, but I don't believe McCrory Arkansas can handle all this truth. People don't like the truth and its all I know to do. I don't believe in talking behind peoples back and I am not one of these people who sit and complain and never do anything. So I tell them like it is. If you don't like it don't read it. You will never have to wonder what I'm thinking because I will tell you.

People amaze me and are so interesting to watch and observe. For example what about people and their priorities? People claim they are poor and there are no jobs so they need Government assistant in anyway they can and all they can because they aren't going to work. Why would you rather live on government assistant than work? How can you feel proud of what you are doing. And living on government assistance only teaches all those kids your having to be lazy and set on your fat cheeks and live off other people's tax money. How can you be proud of that? I believe you wouldn't need assistance just by knowing what priorities are. For once think hummmmm if I stop smoking I might have more for my kids. Or maybe I shouldn't get these nails done that would put more food in the house. A cell phone is more important to you than putting shoes on your kids feet. Some people just have their priorities mixed up or maybe they don't have any. Or maybe they didn't have parents smart enough to teach them because they did the same. Now smokes are over $5 a pack who can afford that? I know for sure there aren't jobs around that you earn enough money to just smoke your money up and throw it down on the ground. Mothers your kids go to school smelling like a stale ash tray. You stink yourself and your breath could knock a horse down. Are you proud of that? One year at a fair I saw a couple who both had smokes hanging out their mouths and kids crying for a hot dog. Father told them I told you we don't have money for that. I wanted to knock his head off right there. People make their lives the way it is sometimes and they have no one to blame but themselves. Goverment makes it to easy for people to sit on their butts and not work. I think Goverment programs should be for the working families who are trying to make a life for their family. And we can't help the kids without helping dead beat parents so it's a never ending program. I believe people should be drug tested to recieve those food stamps and welfare checks. I have to be drug tested to make the money to pay the taxes to take care of your sorry tail. Fair is Fair. But it is a program to help the kids and most kids never get it. So get some pride in yourself and break the curse and make a better life for your kids than you had. Your kids didn't ask to be born and to live like that. Set your priorities. Do you have no shame?

I plan to finish getting this all set up so be patent. I'll have my link posted on face book. Until next time It's still happening in Hilleman!!!!