Monday, January 11, 2010

It's a New Year and A New Life

Has returned home from a wonderful week with my son and his girlfriend Allison. Allison did an awesome thing by flying Jennifer and I up to their house for a week. I spent my first real New Years Eve with both my kids. We had a blast with Justins friends Tye, Pat, and Tim. I learned how to play new dice games. And enjoyed a great time just being together.

Why is it you suppose that it is the most peaceful time with my kids when I have them both together and it's so reassuring that they are safe and are such great kids. They both know what they need and want out of life. Wish I did at that age. But we learn by our mistakes.

As I reflect on last year July 12th I was at work and thought I had hurt my shoulder somehow but not sure really how I did it. As the next two weeks go it keeps getting worse and my neck is getting stiff. I had a MRI and I have 5 bulging disc and bone spurs in my neck. I never dreamed in a million years how painful your neck can be and how much you use your neck. I spent 6 weeks on the sofa with ice and heat. Major pills till I got to see my bone specialist. I was scheduled form multiple injections. Then finally the nerve endings were burned on my right side. Lasted about 2 weeks. I have constant pain and very limited to what I can do more than 15 minutes at a time. I see the surgeon tomorrow and we'll see what happens.

Now I work for a well known hospital and you pay all this short term and long term disability insurance to prepare for the unknown just to be told it is up to the medical examiners to approve you. And they have made me jump through hoops let me tell you getting them every little thing they have asked for and just be told they can't approve me. Latest they want me to have this painful nerve ending test next. I refused because I'm in enough pain as it is. I have doctor bills out of this world I can't pay. I can't afford any more. It's amazing how one second in life can change your life forever. Long story short. Lawyer is fighting for me.

It's been a tough year for us. But Mike and I have an amazing love for each other and have gone through so much together in our nearly 18 years. We will get through this as well.

I've decided to start trying to get some of this weight off. I've got to try and cut back and stop this roller coaster I am on called weight gain. The more I make excuses of not doing anything the number keeps going up. But I have to try. I love the in home walking tapes and I'm starting those as we speak.

My mother is doing great and going strong everyday. She has strength beyond anything I could imaagine. She is enjoying life. Enjoying taking care of her great-grand children. I'm so thankful for them giving her something to do. She's raised 7 of us so I think she totally qualifies.

Well off here today with a broken heart and a worried mind. But all things are in God's hands and he will fight my battles for me.

Until next time. Have a Blessed Day everyone. Nothing in this blog is targeted towards anyone just my random thoughts. If you are offended don't read it.