Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hilleman lives on in my heart forever.

Not being able to work the past few days is giving me plenty of time to think. It seems the Rudick's and Faughn's are getting older these days. Seems like each week I hear of someone in our family being sick. It's not so much fun being the youngest alive. There's a good chance I'll see many of my family members pass before me and that isn't any fun at all. I grew up in Hilleman Arkansas most people have never heard of it. But it use to be a thriving little town. There were big families around. I remember Harvey and Ann Dewitt and all their kids. I spent allot of time at their house. Mr. Harvey was so funny. He and Mrs. Ann were such a positive impact on my lives and of course Shanna their daughter and my little brother Chris were sweethearts growing up. Shanna and I played many hours together. I remember when Mr. Max Knight would bail his hay we'd build a city out all those bails. And of course Joseph and Eddie were very good friends and they had tree houses and little clubs. Tommy Mauldin, Joe Armstrong were all in the club. Mrs. Ann Dewitt passed a few months ago I got the joy of being with her some. And spent time with all her kids and we sit and talked about the good old days in Hilleman. One favorite snack Mrs. Ann fixed us was tortilla chips layered in a plate, sprinkle cheddar cheese on them, then spread olives on top, put in microwave for a couple minutes and it was the best snack ever. I fixed this for my kids and I still do for Mike and I. Everytime I do I always think of Mrs. Ann, Mr. Harvey, and all the Dewitts when I do.
But Hilleman had all the families like the Knights, Woods, Armstrongs, Faughns and Rudick's, Holmes, Carters it was a great time in life then.
There use to be a store. Mr. Coles. He and his wife Mrs Cole lived in the back of the store. There was a post office at one time because the slot where people dropped their mail was in the back of my Grandmas house in a bedroom. I remember the swing that I now have on my back deck use to hang in Grandma's tree outside her house before she moved when she got where she could no longer stay by herself. That swing has had so many kids and adults sit and talk about the good old days. Many a 4th of July cookouts involved that old swing. I remember Chris and I swing so high on that swing and grandaddy yelling stop that or I'm going get a switch.
All my uncles I loved them all and so thankful this week Darrell came through his surgery OK and going to be OK.
Well arm is hurting pretty bad and I need not stress it anymore. Until Next time, Sincerely Tanna, Peedee, and Tiny Tim.