Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dog Day Summer

Hi everyone it's been awhile. But wanted to give some tips for all our furry animals who are always outside in the heat. Make sure you are giving your animals fresh water 2-3 times a day during the heat. Make sure there is shade or shelter the animals can get under to get out of the sun. Remember dogs normal temp is 101.5 so they are already warm. The heat is very hard on older dogs. Just a good tip if you can not stand the heat or where your animal is kept because it is to hot then they can't either. Personally I would never have a animal that I had to keep out in the heat and cold. Now cats as long as they are kept outside all the time will build a coat for the winter. I know I have 2 and they get so fluffy in the winter. But even at that we have what I call our cat condo my husband built. It is barrells up in the air a bit with hay and out of the winter wind. They love it. It's safe for them and stays nice and warm when two are in it. Outside in the summer I change their water 3-4 times when I'm home. I have on my deck a condo for them where they can climb on and lay in the shade. It has carpet and is two levels for them. It breaks my heart to see people who get dogs and put them on a chain. And thats where they live the rest of their lives. So many people don't need animals in my book. I'd like to place them on a chain and see how they love their living arrangements. Then they wonder why the dog jumps on them all the time. They are not socialable, would you be? Think not. Animals need companionship just as people do. They need to be a part of your life. Domestic dogs are not able to survive on their own. Then there's people who don't care and let their dogs run all over pooping in other peoples yards, getting in peoples trash because they are hungry, they are not fed a good food, wormed, have shots, given heartworm preventive, and flea and tick protection. These are the last people who need animals.
To sum this blog up if you get an animal take care of it. Do the proper treatments if you love them and want them to live long lives. Spay and Neuter them this causes animals to be healthier, live longer, they won't want to run off, and most of all have unwanted puppies who will go and have more unwanted puppies this is why animal shelters are full and have to put down millions a year due to people not being responsible pet owners.

Until next time. Don't shop Adopt. for your next adoptable animal that hopfully will live in your home and enjoy life together.